Alive and kicking - Part two
The Models and the Copy-cats Standing at the corner It is early morning. I am standing at the corner of a leafy suburb. There is a chill...

Alive and Kicking: Part one
Growth and skills In the beginning....... actually well before the beginning, months before she has drawn her first breath, before she...

Walking the Walk: a pilgrim's progress in the age of rush and hurry.
The dial on the speedometer swings between 120 and 140 as we race along the highway, only slowing down to feed notes into slots at...

From swinging to swiping: a short history of arms and hands
In that rough-and-tumble of time and change we call evolution, we in the human-line lost some features and gained others, most noted is...

Taller in the morning? The secret of the midnight-drinkers
If you ever happened to measure yourself in the evening and then again the following morning, you may find that you had gained a bit of...

Head over heels? The forgotten art of posture
Santiago Calatrava, the Spanish engineer and sculptor, describes what he terms as the 'the aesthetic problems' in constructing...

Back to Back: The impression you leave behind
Do you ever think about the back of your body? Are you aware of it as you walk along? Do you feel the length of your spine, the breadth...

Work to work-out: the strange and normalised world of fitness
Following a long, arduous day of sitting communing with a screen, many people manage to squeeze a slot of intense moving in between their...

Spotlight on sitting (and the case of a shrewd little enzyme)
Whereas once work was synonymous with physical exertion, nowadays much work involves manoeuvering ourselves from one seat to another, in...

Imagine – Mind Moving
Have you ever tried to imagine what you look like as you move around? Imagine that you film a day of your life, from the moment you wake...